We will kick off our season with a tour of French music from medieval to Renaissance, with songs of the troubadours and trouvères, medieval motets and Renaissance chansons. The great poet and composer Guillaume de Machaut will certainly be represented, and also Josquin des Prez, known during his lifetime as “the master of the notes.”
Saturday October 5, 4:30 p.m., St. Bede’s Episcopal Church, Santa Fe
Sunday, October 6, 4:30 p.m., St. Michael & All Angels Episcopal Church, Albuquerque

Our Christmas concerts will feature both medieval and Renaissance works, with selections from various countries. Kathy Wimmer will be returning to read selections from period literature. The concert title comes from an anonymous poem “When Cryst was Born of Mary Fre,” from 1456.
Sunday, December 15, 4:30 p.m., St. Michael & All Angels Episcopal Church, Albuquerque
Saturday, December 21, 4:30 p.m., St. Bede’s Episcopal Church, Santa Fe
Sunday, December 22, 4:30 p.m., St. Michael & All Angels Episcopal Church, Albuquerque

Blind from childhood as a result of smallpox, the organist Francesco Landini became the most important composer of the Italian Trecento. Approximately a quarter of the entire 14th-century Italian secular repertoire is by him. He was much admired by his contemporaries and his music was described as having a sweetness (“dolcezza”) unequalled in the melodies of other composers. Our concert will present many of his most famous songs, as well as works by other composers from his time.
Saturday, March 1, 4:30 p.m., Santa Fe
Sunday, March 2, 4:30 p.m., Albuquerque

The final concert of our season will focus on music from medieval and Renaissance England. Beginning in troubadour times, the code of chivalry, as reflected in literature and song, demanded that the knight serve his lady faithfully, but never with the expectation that his love would be returned or even recognized. This lofty view of womanhood continued down through the centuries, and the theme of unrequited love appears again and again. Sometimes, however, the lady is not so unattainable!
Saturday, May 10, 4:30 p.m., Santa Fe
Sunday, May 18, 4:30 p.m., Albuquerque
NOTE: Online ticket orders must be purchased no later than 24 hours prior to the performance. After the 24-hour deadline, you will still be able to purchase tickets at the door if they are available. You may also request that tickets be held for you for pickup at the door—please contact us via email or phone.